A Note to Our Readers: This information is not intended to prescribe, it is to educate you on the Historical uses of Herbs, vitamins, etc. Products listed are 100% High Quality & Guaranteed Pure.
ALFALFA - Health builder, arthritis, fatigue, appetite, pituitary gland, weight gain
ALGIN - Lead & Mercury poisoning, radiation sickness
ASTRAGALUS - ADD, cancer, diabetes, hepatitis
BEE POLLEN - Allergies, quick energy, nature’s most perfect food, natural no-dose
BERBERINE IR - Healthy blood sugar levels, helps belly bloat, reduces belly fat
BILBERRY - Strengthens capillaries, night blindness, antioxidant, improves vision
BLACK COHOSH -Estrogen effects, hot flashes, nerves, pain
BLACK WALNUT - Cleanses parasites, anti-fungal, skin rashes, eliminates toxins
BLESSED THISTLE - Takes oxygen to brain, digestion, increases mother’s milk
BURDOCK - Reduce swelling and deposits in joints, blood purifier, gout, eczema
BUTCHER’S BROOM - Improves circulation, phlebitis, leg cramps, varicose veins
CAPSICUM - Circulation, strokes, blood pressure equalizer, colds
CASCARA SAGRADA - Constipation, increase peristaltic action, gall bladder
CATNIP - Colic, nerves, cigarette craving, colds, flu, digestion, hiccups and gas
CHAMOMILE - Insomnia, improves appetite, drug withdrawal, nerves
CHARCOAL - Kidney failure (to help clean blood), intestinal gas, antidote for poison
CHICKWEED - Appetite depressant, burns fat, dissolves plaque from veins
CORDYCEPS - Used by Chinese in Olympics, slows aging, energy
CORNSILK - Kidney, bladder, bed wetting, painful urination, prostate
CURCUMIN - Inflammatory conditions, infections
DAMIANA - Hormone balance, Parkinson’s disease, get pregnant, boost sex drive
DANDELION - Anemia, liver, blood cleanser, endurance, age spots, hepatitis
DEVILS CLAW - Arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis
DONG QUAI - Hot flashes, hormone balance, nerves, brain nourisher
ECHINACEA - Antibiotic, lymph system, blood purifier/builder, immune system
Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) - Energy, stress, endurance, depression, impotency, stimulant
FEVERFEW- Migraine headaches, muscular tension, intestinal worms
GARLIC - Normalizes blood pressure, yeast and bacterial infections, colds
GARLIC/HIGH POTENCY -1200 MG Pure concentrated garlic without the smell
GINGER - Expels gas, motion and morning sickness, flu, diarrhea, settles stomach
GINKGO BILOBA EXTRACT T/R -Memory and brain food, 1 per day
GOLDEN SEAL - Infection, natural insulin, cleanses urinary system
GOTU KOLA - Brain food, memory, learning disabilities, vitality, depression senility
GREEN TEA EXTRACT - Antioxidant, weight loss, energy
GUGGUL LIPID - Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, burns fat
HAWTHORN - Heart, hardening of the arteries, adrenals, stress, blood pressure
HOPS - Insomnia, nervousness, decreases desire for alcohol, hyperactive children
HORSETAIL - Stops hair from falling out, stops split ends, nails, tumors
HYDRANGEA - Arthritis, gout, kidney and bladder problems, dissolves stones
JUNIPER BERRIES - Restores pancreas and adrenals, diuretic, dropsy, uric acid
KAVA KAVA CONCENTRATE - Reduce anxiety and depression, reduce pain, relax muscles, sleep aid
KELP - Thyroid, fingernails, goiter, helps take fat off hips, complexion
LICORICE - Adjusts blood sugar, quick energy, cough, hoarseness, adrenals
LOBELIA - Asthma, congestion, pneumonia, strong relaxant, pleurisy, lungs
MACA - Fatigue, impotency, low sex drive, increase buttock size
MARSHMALLOW - Bladder and kidney problems, bed wetting, inflammation
MILK THISTLE T/R - Liver, hepatitis, alcoholism, age spots, jaundice, hot flashes
MULLEIN - Nervous cough, lung and sinus congestion, T.B., lymphatic system
NOPAL - Normalizes blood sugar, improves immunity, strengthens urinary systems, poultice
OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT- Viruses, colds, Flu, boost immune system, herpes & yeast
PARSLEY - Bad breath, blood builder, high in potassium, kidneys, diuretic
PASSIONFLOWER - Eye infection and tension, stress, sleep, hyperactive children
PAU D’ ARCO - Historically used for cancer, leukemia, tumors, yeast infection
PSYLLIUM HULLS - Scrubs colon, best fiber, diverticulitis, colon blockage
RED RASPBERRY - The pregnancy herb, nausea, diarrhea, gastritis
ROSE HIPS - Natural vitamin C complex, colds, infections, blood purifier, flu
SAFFLOWERS - Gout, hydrochloric acid for digestion, reduces cholesterol and uric acid
SAGE - Stimulates hair growth, improves memory, sore gums and throat, nerves
SAW PALMETTO - Breast builder (small or saggy), prostate, glands, wasting diseases
SLIPPERY ELM - Acid stomach, digestion, diaper rash, hiatal hernia, ulcers
SPIRULINA - High source of protein, energy, weight loss, blood builder
ST. JOHN’S WORT - Concentrate - Anti-depressant, stress, relaxant
UNA DE GATO (CAT’S CLAW) - Immune builder, cancer, AIDS
UVA URSI - Spleen, bladder and kidney infections, diabetes, gonorrhea, cystitis
VALERIAN - Natural tranquilizer, pain, muscle spasms, nerves, promotes sleep
WHITE OAK BARK - Hemorrhoids and bleeding, varicose veins, pyorrhea, pin worms
WILD YAM - Female glandular tonic, anti-inflammatory, natural progesterone and birth control
YARROW - Obstructed perspiration, nosebleeds, chicken pox, colds/fever/flu
YELLOW DOCK - Anemia, blood purifier, itching, liver, skin problems, hepatitis
ANXIOUSLESS - Anxiety, depression, PTSD, nerve exhaustion
ANTI-GAS FORMULA - Gas indigestion and bloating formula, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
APS II - Herbal aspirin, arthritis pain, muscle relaxant, neck pain, tension headaches, NERVOUS SYSTEM
ARTEMISIA - Powerful anti-parasite combination, IMMUNE
ASHWAGANHA - Anxiety, sleep, energy, T3
BP-X - Blood purifier, poison ivy/oak, acne, psoriasis, skin problems, CIRCULATORY
BONE SKIN POULTICE - Bone healer, wound healer, poultice, STRUCTURAL
BLOOD PRESSUREX - For mild to moderately elevated blood pressure, supports circulatory system
BLOOD SUGAR FORMULA - Normalize blood sugar (esp. for diabetes, hypoglycemia and weight loss)
BRONCHIAL FORMULA AV - For symptoms of asthma, bronchitis
CA, Herbal - Calcium for building nerve sheaths, bones, teeth, cartilage, SKELETAL
CAPSIUM/GARLIC/PARSLEY - High blood pressure, cholesterol, CIRCULATORY
CARDIO ASSURANCE - Supports blood flow, helps keep Homocysteine levels in the normal range
CC-A - Cold, flu, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, IMMUNE
CELLULAR DETOX - General cleanser, Cleanses toxins from ALL SYSTEMS
CLT-X - Colitis, irritable colon, digestion, diarrhea, INTESTINAL SYSTEM
CRANBERRY BUCHU - Candida, nourishes urinary tract, URINARY
C-X - Natural hormone replacement & balancing, menopause, hot flashes, GLANDULAR
E-TEA (Essiac tea) - Herbs historically used for cancer, tumors & fibroids
ECHINACEA/GOLDENSEAL - Builds immune system, antibiotic
ENERG-V - A synergistic combination of all the herbs for ENERGY
ENVIRO DETOX - Detoxify immune system from environmental toxins
FEMALE COMFORT - Menstrual problems, cramps, uterus, GLANDULAR SYSTEM
FENUGREEK & THYME - Sinus/migraine headaches, dissolves mucus, RESPIRATORY
FOUR - Asthma, bronchial and food allergies, laryngitis, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
GC-X - Regulates circulation, warms extremities, CIRCULATORY
GALL BLADDER FORMULA - Gas, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, dizziness, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
GINKO/HAWTHORN - Brain, heart, ringing in ears, vertigo, CIRCULATORY
HEAVY METAL DETOX - Removes lead, arsenic, and mercury
HERBAL PUMPKIN - Parasites, tumors, cleanses blood vessels, helps INTESTINAL
HS II - Strengthens and feeds the heart, cleanses blood vessels, helps CIRCULATORY
HERBAL SLEEP - Promotes natural sleep, relaxant, stress, muscle tension, NERVOUS SYSTEM
HERBAL TRACE MINERALS - Mineral combination for anemia, pregnancy, animals, GLANDULAR
HISTA BLOCK - Natural Antihistamine, opens nasal passages
HY-A - Hypoglycemia, adrenal rebuilder, energy, mood & blood sugar swings, GLANDULAR
INTESTINAL SOOTHE AND BUILD - Colitis, ulcers, Crohn’s disease, abdominal pain, inflamed intestines
IF - C - Inflammation, fever, profuse sweating. reduces heat & irritability
I-X - Aids iron absorption, anemia, fatigue, styes, BUILDER
JOINT SUPPORT - Arthritis, joint stiffness, bursitis, gout, SKELETAL SYSTEM
JP-X - Kidney and bladder infection, strengthen & cleanse kidney/bladder, URINARY
KETO - Promote weight loss, burn fat at a faster rate
KIDNEY ACTIVATOR - Bladder and kidney problems, bed wetting, strengthens entire URINARY SYSTEM
LBS II - Stool softener, constipation, bad breath, cleanses INTESTINAL SYSTEM
LB-X - Intestinal, digestion and elimination
LIVER CLEANSE - Blood detox, cleanser and strengthener of gall bladder, spleen, LIVER
LUNG SUPPORT - Emphysema, strengthen to heal
LYMPH GLAND CLEANSE - Natural antibiotic, infection fighter, IMMUNE
MARSHMALLOW & FENUGREEK - Expel lung mucus, emphysema, RESPIRATORY
MENSTRUAL REG - Heavy bleeding, menopause
MIND-MAX - Memory, brain food, concentration
MOOD ELEVATOR - Anti-depressant, energy, helps hormones
NERVE CONTROL - Anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia, nervous breakdown, stress
NERVE EIGHT - Reduces nervous tension, anxiety, stress, neck & shoulder pain
PRO-PANCREAS - Blood sugar problems, diabetes, rebuilds and strengthens pancreas
PROTEASE PLUS - Digests protein compounds, full spectrum plant-derived minerals activate enzymes
P-X - Prostate inflammation, cleanses the prostate
PAPAYA MINT (CHEWABLE TABLET) - Indigestion, gas, heartburn, enzymes for DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
PLS II - Bone knitter, internal and external wounds, back pain, ALL SYSTEMS
PS II - Prostate problems (Alt. with P-X), problems of URINARY SYSTEM
RED YEAST RICE - Lowers total cholesterol, raises HDL, Take with CoQ10
SC FORMULA (Shark Cartilage) - Immune system, inflammation, circulation, arthritis
SEASONAL ALLERGY - Lung and sinus congestion, allergies, cough, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
SENNA COMBINATION - Chronic constipation, stubborn bowels, INTESTINAL
SKIN DETOX - Blood purifier for acne, eczema, psoriasis, age spots
SINUS SUPPORT EF - Sinus problems, anti-histamine, allergies, upper respiratory, decongestant, expectorant
SMALL INTESTINE DETOX - Cleans intestines for better food absorption, INTESTINAL
STRESS RELIEF (STR-C) - Stress, nerves, insomnia, neurosis, paranoia, hyperventilation
STRESS-J - Stress, spastic colon, nervous stomach, ulcer prevention
SUPER ALGAE -Best super nutrients, high in protein, energy
SUGAR REG - Regulate blood sugar
THIM-J - Strengthens thymus (reverses tumors, Epstein Barr, exhaustion) IMMUNE
TS II with HOPS - Regulates thyroid (hyper-over active/hypo-under active), GLANDULAR
WILD YAM/CHASTE - Hot flashes, targets & balances female GLANDULAR SYSTEM
Improve your weakest Link
ENERGY - Feel better fast!
SUMA - Adaptogenic energy combo
MIND-MAX - Memory & Concentration
BEE POLLEN - No doze, nutritive energy
ENERG-V - Combination of energy herbs
X-A- Sex drive & stimulant
SUPER ALGAE - Nutrition & energy
Cordyceps - Energy, endurance, used by Chinese during the Olympics
ADRENAL SUPPORT - Helps all types of stress and nourishes the adrenals
CELLULAR ENERGY - Supports cellular metabolism, body odor, detoxifies waste from cells
DULSE 2 OZ. - Natural iodine, thyroid booster
EYES - Strengthens - LIVER - Sluggishness
LIVER BALANCE- Abdominal cramps, bloating, indigestion
MILK THISTLE COMBO - Restore and support a healthy liver
BILBERRY - Clearer vision, helps color perception, night vision, helps pancreas
LIVER CLEANSE - Liver, gallbladder, spleen, morning sluggishness
N-ACETYL-CYSTEINE - Supports liver and eye health
PERFECT EYES- Cataracts, floaters, night blindness
COLON & INTESTINAL - Balance, cleanse and detox!
LBS II - Stool softener, constipation, cleanser
SENNA COMBINATION - Strong laxative
CELLULAR DETOX - Detoxifies body
BOWEL DETOX - Cleanses, strengthens
HERBAL PUMPKIN - Parasite combo
ENVIRO-DETOX - Environmental detox
CLT-X - Colitis, irritable bowel, diarrhea
LB-X - Clean colon, safe for pregnancy
INTESTINAL SOOTHE & BUILD - Colitis, hiatal hernia, crohn’s
PARA CLEANSE - Parasite program
CLEAN START - Deeper more through cleanse
GENTLE MOVE - Supports digestive & intestinal health
HEAVY METAL DETOX - Absorbs heavy metal ions
LIQUID CLEANSE - 16 oz. - Digestive track detoxifier, cleanses the colon, great for children
TIAO HE CLEANSE - Cleanse entire body, sluggish feeling
NERVOUS SYSTEM - Stressed or not sleeping?
NERVE CONTROL - Stress, holding too much in
STRESS-J- Stress, spastic colon, ulcers
STRESS RELIEF - Palpitations, blood pressure
MOOD ELEVATOR - Improves vitality, depression
APS II - Herbal aspirin, tension
HERBAL SLEEP - Promotes sleep, restlessness
NUTRI-CALM - Stress formula with B Vit.
MELATONIN EXTRA - 3 mg Regulates sleep
NERVOUS FATIGUE FORMULA - Caffeine addiction, concentration, diabetes (Type II) energy, Night sweats
NERVE EIGHT - Muscle tension
Nature’s Cortisol formula-Reduces stress, lowers cortisol, balances blood sugar, enhances weight loss.
DIETER’S CLEANSE 14 day - Eliminates toxic waste for a healthier colon, balances the body for optimal function & weight loss - Lose up to 14 lbs in two weeks.
Carbo Grabbers with Chromium - Stops carbs from converting to calories
CHICKWEED - Dissolves fat, cholesterol, appetite suppressant
COLLATRIM- Joint pain, tones skin, weight loss
RED BEET FORMULA - Cleanses liver, excessive appetite (Fasting Formula)
SPIRULINA - Stop snacking, high protein, brain food, energy
LICORICE ROOT - Regulate blood sugar, activate adrenals
CLA - Reduces fat and cellulite
FAT GRABBERS - Dissolves & traps fat and carries it out of the system
L-CARNITINE - Reduce cellulite and burns fat
GARCINIA COMBINATION - Keeps carbs from turning to fat, reduces appetite
GTF - CHROMIUM - Burn fat, not muscle, decreases sugar cravings
METABOMAX PLUS - Boost metabolism, increase energy, burn fat, contains caffeine
METABOMAX FREE - Caffeine free, boost metabolism, increase energy, burn fat
Ultra Therm - Break down fat while increasing calorie burn, energy
NIACIN - Lowers cholesterol, increases circulation, Add Kelp-for cellulite
7-KETO - Helps reset body weight set point
CELLU-SMOOTH - Cellulite, helps remove fatty deposits from thighs, hips buttocks & upper arms
SF - Body cleanser, boosts energy, balances blood sugar, digestion, reduces tension, reduces food cravings, relieves water retention, dissolves fat, stimulates colon
THYROID ACTIVATOR - Strengthens thyroid to increase metabolism
TIAO HE CLEANSE or LBS II - - Clean the colon first, rid the body of metabolic wastes
KIDNEY ACTIVATOR - Chinese combination for water retention (Add B 6 if severe)
FREE AMINO ACIDS w/MAGNESIUM & L-CARNITINE - Muscle tone, strength & endurance
GTF - CHROMIUM - Increases overall muscle strength and size
L-CARNITINE - Burns up fat in muscles, heart & liver, Energy/Endurance
CO Q 10 100 mg - For that essential “quick release of energy from deep within”, the heart
SUMA - “For Everything” physical stress, stamina, cancer, immune, repair
PDA - Enzyme to aid digestion for those on a high protein diet
SAFFLOWERS - Helps eliminate buildup of uric and lactic acid, alleviate fatigue and muscle cramps after exercise
TEI FU MASSAGE LOTION - Deep-penetrating solution soothes aching muscles and stiff joints
RELIEF FORMULA - Muscle pain after exercising
EVERFLEX w/Hyaluronic Acid - Arthritis, joint mobility
ELDERBERRY IMMUNE- Immune builder, colds, anti-viral
PROBIOTIC POWER - Aids digestion, intestinal flora
SEASONAL ALLERGIES /ALJ- Allergies, asthma, sinus, cough
CATNIP & FENNEL- Colic, gas, fever
CBG- Colds, earaches
CC-A (2 oz.) - Colds, cough
ECHINACEA/GOLDENSEAL (2 oz.) - Infections
FOCUS ATTENTION (Powder)- ADD, concentration, energy, and memory
LB EXTRACT (2 oz.) - Constipation
LOBELIA ESSENCE (2 oz.) - Earache, congestion
OREGON GRAPE (2 oz.)- Blood purifier, eczema
ULTIMATE ECHINACEA - Build immune system or infection prevention
VS-C (2 oz. )- Blood purifier, eczema
BLACK WALNUT EXTRACT - (2 oz.) Kills and expels worms. Also good for healthy skin
HSN-W - Encourage healthy shinny coats, builds strong sound bones
JOINT HEALTH AYURVEDIC - Joint stiffness, hard to walk, helps rebuild and cleanse joints
MSM -Organic Sulfur. Constant scratching, hot spots, great for skin and coat
TEA TREE OIL - (.5 oz.) Use as dip, kills fleas and mites. Dry skin
ACIDOPHILUS - Restores friendly bacteria after antibiotics, essential to healthy colon
ALPHA LIPOIC ACID - Antioxidant, liver detoxification, nerve damage, neuropathy
A & D - Vision, skin, hair, blackheads, immune system, hormones, antioxidant
B-6 - Pregnancy nausea, carpal tunnel, leg cramps, anemia, PMS, edema, burning feet, prevents tooth decay, sore lips/tongue, whiteheads
B-BALANCED - High B 12, also assists in B 12 absorption, great for vegetarians, balance coordination, pernicious anemia, body odors, sore tongue
B-COMPLEX - Nervous system, fatigue, mental problems, muscles, hyperactivity Needed if consuming antibiotics, birth control pills, coffee, sugar, refined foods
C-TIME RELEASED - Adrenals, bruising, bleeding gums, nosebleeds, detoxifier, colds
CALCIUM PLUS D - Great organic calcium formula
CALCIUM MAGNESIUM SYNERPRO - Chelated calcium w/ cruciferous vegetables, boron, etc.
CORAL CALCIUM PDR (75g) - Helps balance acidity
CHROMIUM - GTF -Regulates blood sugar levels, stops sugar cravings
CHONDROITIN - Joint pain, use with Glucosamine
CITRUS BIOFLAVONOIDS/VIT. C - Asthma, spider veins, hot flashes, hemorrhoids
COLOSTRUM - Boost immune system, anti-aging
CO-Q 10- Antioxidant, all heart problems, Alzheimer’s, tumors, cancer, emphysema
D-3 - Arthritis, bone health, fibromyalgia pain, immune system, and lupus
DHEA-F/DHEA-M - Slows aging process, remedy for degenerative diseases, master hormone
E COMPLETE w/SELENIUM - Heart, fertility, circulation, liver, muscles, menopause, skin, loss of sexual interest, miscarriages, speeds wound healing
EVENING PRIMROSE - Female disorders, high blood pressure, nerves
FLAX SEED OIL- Best organic source of Omega 3, 6 & 9 fatty acids, heart, cholesterol
GLUCOSAMINE - Joint and cartilage repair, osteoarthritis
GRAPINE H/P - From pine bark & grape seed. Most powerful antioxidant, ADD children
IRON (chelated) - Itching, irritability, hair loss, vitality, depression, anemia
LECITHIN - Heart, arteries, nervous system, brain, cholesterol, psoriasis, fat dissolver
L-GLUTAMINE - Alcohol craving, fatigue, menopause, senility, aging, brain food
L-LYSINE - Shingles, cold sores, mononucleosis, candida, herpes
LYMPHOMAX - Swollen glands, tonsillitis, body tonic, mastitis, immune system
MILK THISTLE T/R - Liver, hepatitis, alcoholism, age spots, jaundice, allergies, acne
MAGNESIUM - Anti-stress, depression, muscle relaxant, arrhythmias, nature’s laxative
MAGNESIUM COMPLEX - Beneficial for musculoskeletal health
MELATONIN EXTRA -Sleep disorders, jet lag, antioxidant
MSM -Arthritis, inflammation, allergies, skin and connective tissue
NIACIN - Migraines, cholesterol, depression, hostility, digestion, skin
PANTOTHENIC ACID/VIT. B-5 - Stress, fatigue, old age appearance, gray hair
PHYTO/SOY - Protein, decrease cholesterol, cancer prevention, menopause, antioxidant
POTASSIUM (180) - Regulate heartbeat, calms nerves, cancer deterrent, saggy muscles, dry skin, sick feeling, continuous thirst, insomnia, poor reflexes
SKELETAL STRENGTH - Calcium/Magnesium for optimum calcium absorption, bones, leg cramps, pain
SNOREASE - Three key ingredients to open nasal passages, drains sinus
SUPER OMEGA-3; EPA - “Good fats” for health of veins, arteries, heart, arteriosclerosis, arthritis
SUPER SUPPLEMENTAL VIT’S & MIN’S - Maintenance for all, mega-dose for stress
ZINC - Taste/smell loss, prostate, needed to repair injured tissue
ALOE VERA JUICE (32 oz.) -Digestion, allergies, cuts, burns, colon, ulcers (whole leaf)
BENTONITE (Hydrated) (32 oz.) - Absorbs and removes toxins from colon
COLLAGEN - Skin, joints, gut, protein
Ionic MINERALS w/ACAI (32 oz.) - More easily assimilated into body
SILVER SHIELD (6 oz.) - Used as antibiotic before penicillin, colds, anti-viral/bacterial
LOCLO - Five kinds of fiber and nutrients with Stevia to lower cholesterol and blood sugar
LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL - Anemia, body/bowel deodorizer, builds blood (16 oz/32 oz)
MINERAL-CHI (32 oz.) - Emotional, mental and physical energy
NATURES NONI (16 oz. 32 oz.)- Arthritis, soothes inflammation reduces pain
NATURE’S THREE - Fiber to control, cholesterol, blood sugar, constipation & diarrhea
GREEN ZONE POWDER - Whole food-powdered drink mix
PSYLLIUM HULLS COMBINATION - Bulk laxative, soothes irritated tissues, chron’s ulcers
THAI-GO (25 oz.) - Circulation, energy, inflammation, eyesight
VITA-WAVE (32 oz.) - Vitamins, minerals & amino acids for adults and children
REJUVENAID - Cardiovascular health Increases NO (nitric oxide) & energy 30 pks
ULTRABIOME Dtx-Advanced heavy metal detox, metal taste in mouth
GLANDULAR - Healthy sex drive, menopause, PMS, Prostate Men and Women Concerns
FLASH-EASE - T/R designed to reduce hot flashes
DHEA-F - Menopause, anti-aging
PHYTO-SOY - Menopause, osteoporosis
WOMEN’S X-ACTION - Increases sex drive - Prostate, impotence
MEN'S FORMULA - Enlarged prostate
DAMIANA-Infertility, increase sperm count
DHEA-M - Andropause, anti-aging
HERBAL PUMPKIN - Prostate help
LECITHIN - Sexual aid, seminal fluid
X-ACTION RELOADED - Increases sex drive
MASTER GLAND - Balancing formula for Hyper or Hypo, balances thyroid & adrenal glands
X-A - Sex rejuvenator and stimulant, libido, normalizes hormones for men and women, fatigue
5 - W - Use last five weeks of pregnancy, speeds up delivery, use after for healing
MENSTRUAL - REG - Heavy bleeding, pain, bloating & mood change
CRAMP RELIEF -Cramps, ovarian pain, hot flashes
ESTRO ASSURED - Balance hormones, promote normal breast function, breast lumps
C-X - Estrogen replacement, low sex drive
PANCREAS AND ADRENALS - Blood sugar/exhaustion
HY-A - Hypoglycemia, strengthen adrenals
HY-C - Adrenals, balance hormones
BERBERINE IR- Insulin resistance, diabetes
GTF CHROMIUM - Diabetes, sugar craving
PRO-PANCREAS - Herbal diabetic formula
BLOOD SUGAR FORMULA- Reduce insulin, cloudy thinking
GOLDENSEAL -Lower blood sugar
CINNAMON BALANCE - Balance sugar
Mineral - chi - Nourish adrenals, best energy builder
DIGESTION - Good health begins here!
PROACTAZYME - All food types (No HCI)
GASTRO HEALTH - Bacterial ulcers
PAPAYA MINT - Heartburn, flatulence
FOOD ENZYMES - Digest all carbohydrates, fats, and protein, no more bloating
STOMACH COMFORT - Heartburn, natural antacids
SPLEEN ACTIVATOR - Digestive tonic, energy to a tired body, ulcers, spleen builder
PDA - Protein digestion, mineral absorption
SKELETAL SYSTEM - Strong bones & joints
PLS II - Over acid conditions, wounds
SC FORMULA - (Shark Cartilage) - Arthritis
BONE SKIN POULTICE - Bone healer, inflammation
Skeletal strength - Chelated calcium, bones, teeth
CHONDROITIN - Joint pain use w/Glucosamine
HP/GRAPINE - Inflammation, joint flexibility
JOINT SUPPORT - Arthritis, bursitis, gout
JOINT HEALTH-AV - Ayurvedic, skeletal support
UÑA DE GATO (Cat’s Claw) - Arthritis, Pain
HERBAL CA - Repairs bones, nerves
MSM - Connective tissue and joints
GLUCOSAMINE - Repairs Joints
NATURE’S SEA CALCIUM - Excellent source of calcium & magnesium derived from red algae
EVERFLEX - w/Hyaluronic Acid arthritis, joint integrity, flexibility and lubrication
IF RELIEF - Muscle pain, puts out the fire of inflammation
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - Breathe normally
CC-A - Muscle Aches, cold prevention
FOUR - Asthma, bronchial & food allergies
SNOREASE - Stop snoring, open sinuses
LYMPH GLAND CLEANSE - Natural antibiotic for respiratory
ELDERBERRY D3 DEFENSE - Colds, allergies
HISTA BLOCK - Allergy, hives, itching, natural anti-histamine
SINUS SUPPORT EF - Sinus problems, anti-histamine, allergies, upper respiratory, decongestant, expectorant
FENUGREEK & THYME - Sinus, headaches
IMMUNE SYSTEM - Strengthen your defenses
E-TEA - (Essiac Tea) Historical use cancer
ECHINACEA (180) - Immune builder, infections
COLOSTRUM - Nature’s first food
Paw Paw Cell-Reg - Cancer, tumors
UÑA DE GATO - Inflammation, herpes, lupus, tumors
TRIGGER IMMUNE - Rebuild immune system
CELLULAR DETOX - Cleanse body
THIM-J - Increase T-cells
INDOLE - 3 - CARBINOL - Morning muscle pain, protects breast tissue, prostate and cervix (refrigerate)
DEFENSE MAINTENANCE- Antioxidant, colds, cancer, immune deficiency
NATURAL ANTIBIOTICS - Fight bacteria, viruses & infections
LYMPH GLAND CLEANSE HY- Antibiotic for hypoglycemics
IN-X - Tonsillitis, skin infections, influenza
GARLIC - Nature’s antibiotic, building
GOLDENSEAL - All infections
LYMPH GLAND CLEANSE - Fights colds, sore throat, sinus
SILVER SHIELD - Antibiotic 100% Safe
VS-C - Viruses, herpes, canker sores, AIDS
URINARY SYSTEM - Improving your plumbing!
KIDNEY ACTIVATOR (K) - Diuretic & cleanser
URINARY MAINTENANCE - Build urinary system
KB-C - Incontinence, sciatica urinary system
JP-X - Bladder, kidney infection
CRANBERRY & BUCHU - Urinary cleanser
CHINESE KIDNEY ACTIVATOR - Water retention, nephritis, edema
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM - Healthy heart, veins, & blood pressure!
C0-Q-10 - All heart problems, antioxidant
VARI GONE - Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
MEGA CHEL- Oral Chelation
CAPSICUM & GARLIC - High blood pressure
H/P GARLIC - (Odorless) Blood pressure
HS II - Strengthens heart, blood pressure
CARDIO ASSURANCE - Reduce risk of heart disease circulatory disorders
CHOLESTER - REG. - Lower & inhibit production of cholesterol
KRILL OIL w/K2- Cardiovascular & brain health
NATTOZIMES PLUS - Digest fibrin in blood and prevents blood clots
GINKGO/HAWTHORN - Brain, circulation
I-X - Aids iron absorption, anemia fatigue.
HAIR, SKIN AND NAILS - Look your best!
SKIN DETOX - Acne, blackheads, blemishes
BLOOD STIMULATOR - Blood purifier, circulation
HSN-W - For longer, stronger hair & nails
BP-X - acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis
HSN COMPLEX - Feeds hair, skin & nails, eczema, dermatitis, thin hair
GOLDEN SALVE - Skin healer, antibiotic
ALOE VERA GEL - Scar tissue, burns
SILVER RESCUE GEL - Antibiotic, viruses, aids wound healing 1st & 2nd degree burns
TEA TREE OIL - Fungus, acne, athletes foot
PAU D’ ARCO LOTION - Itching, fungus
JOJOBA OIL - Scalp & hair problems
A Note To Our Readers
This information is not intended to prescribe herbs and vitamins for specific health problems. It is to educate the general public concerning the historical (tried and proven) uses of herbs and provide a reference tool for those who want to use herbs and vitamins to feed specific body systems. (Printed April ‘2021) ( Ref. “Todays Herbal Health” and “NSP system Guide to Health”)